We're staying in apartment with a pomegranite tree in the front yard, a loquat--or sheseq--tree across the street, and an orange tree with very sour oranges next door. We have the most beautiful flowers near us. One smells us like a juicy grapefruit. We have a little park near us, two doors down, and right at the corner of our street is a falafel stand, a great pizza stand, a little cafe called "Coffee in the Garden," and a yummy fresh fruit and vegetable store. Jonah and I love playing at the park next door and, one night, as I walked to the park alone, just to be there for five minutes, I picked loquats and ran around having fun in the park. When I noticed I'd been out too long, I got in a real rush and feel knee first on the ground and got a gash. I limped up to my house, cleaned it, and went to sleep. Fortunately, it's been healing just fine.
In our first week, while we were settling in, we started acting like real tourists. We walked and walked. In our traveling around the city on foot, we went to a great Israeli bike and scooter store and got a great scooter. Then, when we went to see the Old City, I could scoot there and help my mom carry groceries and other packages back on the scooter's handles. In the Old City, I put wishes in the Wall and also went to the Arab Market, where I got a princess-like headband with gold coins hanging down and a very pretty blue skirt. The next day, Dan, Jonah, and I had a great time at a beach in Tel Aviv, where Dan got me one of my favorite kinds of candy and Jonah got an Israeli ice cream.
After only a week of being in Israel, we left to go to Kibbutz Lotan.